The Original Two
Posey waiting for food.
Buster in between naps.
POSEY By: Dylan Friedman
I’m Posey, and I’m the oldest around here. Communal life takes getting used to, although sometimes I’m not used to it. Douglass keeps stealing everyone’s food, and most importantly, my food. He’s a no good rotten thief. A downright scoundrel even. He lept on my counter and pounced on my precious pâté. I unsuccessfully tried biting and meowing to ward him off. Thankfully, my owner came to the rescue and scooped him up. My charm knows no bounds.
According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the smallest cat ever recorded was a male blue point Himalayan-Persian named Tinker-Toy. He was measured at 2.75 inches tall and 7.5 inches long when fully grown at 2.5 years.
Buster By: Faith Molitor
When one of the closing volunteers went to leave the other day, I made sure to sit right where she would see me. With my cutest smile and those big eyes, she couldn’t help but sit down and pet me. I’d rub my scent on her and then get her to scratch my neck. I’d purr and she'd scratch the other side. I managed to get her to stay for a solid fifteen minutes, in which she also chatted with Laura, my human companion. I’m hoping that I can get her to stay for a half an hour next time. I have no doubt that I can accomplish this task.
Did you know that cats can sense pregnancy? According to Furry Tips and Feline Living, they have an ability to pick up on smell, which is attributed to higher levels of hormones, and can also sense that your overall temperature has changed. Maybe your cat will know you’re pregnant before you do! Be sure to share some stories online. If not, see you next week!