
photo: Purple Horse Design

photo: Purple Horse Design

Posey was the first resident of The Cat Colloquium in Chestertown. He was a house warming gift from the Animal Care Shelter of Kent County. ”Posies” also known as a bouquet of flowers, are universally known in the song, “Ring Around the Rosie”. We hope school children will one day sing and dance the nursery rhyme with our Posey.

Posey has recently gone to live with one of our volunteers as he enjoys quiet spaces! When he lived with us at The Cat Colloquium, you could sometimes see him in the window watching people passing below on High Street. Posey was very friendly with guests, but has become more of a grumpy grandpa to the rest of the residents, and tends to slink around everyone, keeping to himself. Posey also likes to move around quite a bit, and seems to be anywhere, he now is able to move around without such a large clowder! His birthday is December 28, 2010 - while he no longer lives with us, he is in a loving home and we continue to receive many updates and pictures!




Our Tree