Miss Harriet

Somewhat hairless Harriet..

Miss Harriet is our one and only hairless sphinx, who is not actually entirely hairless! She was a private rescue from Caroline County. It is believed that Miss Harriet was originally from a breeder in Kuwait: it is possible that she was given up because she was a bit hairy (which we love!).

The original Miss Harriet, for whom our cat is lovingly named, was a fixture in Stam’s Drug Store downstairs, according to local Richard Cookerly. With her slender persona primarily arrayed in a white lab coat—Harriet performed multiple tasks, including soda dispensing and in the mysterious realm of the back room, where people disappeared and re-emerged with medicine for the public. He noted that she was quite the character. 

Miss Harriet is also a playful character, and will likely come over to you even when you are playing with another cat. She is very inquisitive, active and engaging. Her birthday is February 22 (same as George Washington - for all you WAC students), 2022 and her favorite toy is the red feathers on a string, though she’ll play with pretty much everything. She loves to have her chin rubbed! Harriet is everywhere all at once it seems, as she darts around climbing up everything and playing with everyone. Harriet loves to eat small amounts of food frequently - her current favorite snack is dried Minnows (from Bruce at the Farmers Market). Her favorite place to play is the tunnel, though she does tend to flip it when she sprints through it. Come watch her in action!


Rose Arnold


Hilda Lynn